My Grandfather's Yiddish Sayings

Here are some great Yiddish saying that both of my grandfathers used to tell me, and others ones I've collected, too! Do you know any others? E-mail me at ( and let me know!!! What did your grandparents used to tell you???

Hi everyone! It's Morgan and I just started a new project selling modern and contemporary custom ketubahs designed by amazing Jewish artists from Argentina! I'd love to hear what you think about my new site: This is not a Ketubah - Yes it is! PS: You might also like our sister sites, Orthodox Ketubot and lgbt ketubahs :)

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Some sayings I added recently to the list!

A fault-finder complains even that the bride is too pretty.

Your neighbor's apples are the sweetest.

Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom.

When a fool is silent, he too is counted among the wise. (Az a nar shvaygt, veyst men nit tsi er iz a nar oder a khokhem) One of our favorites!

Don't rub your belly when the little fish is still in the pond.

Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies.

God created a world full of little worlds

You can't make cheesecakes out of snow (Mit shney ken men nit makhn gomolkhes)

The whole world is one town

Not everyone who sits in the seat of honor is master.

The greatest folly of the fool is that he thinks he is smart (Di greste narishkayt fun a nar iz az er meynt az er is klug.)

Talk too much and you talk about yourself.

Love tastes sweet, but only with bread.

When fortune calls, offer her a chair.

That which is practiced in youth will be pursued in old age. (Tsu vos men iz gevoynt in der yugnt, azoy tut men oyf der elter.) One of our favorites!

Times is the best healer

If there's a bitterness in the heart, sugar in the mouth won't make life sweeter (Az in harsn iz biter, helft nit in moyl arayn tsuker)

He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

To look like a rooster after the hens have been trod (Oyszen vi a hon nokj tashmish)


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My Favorites | New additions
Alphabetical order | Original Yiddish

Read some more:
· My Favorites
· New additions
· Alphabetical order
· Original Yiddish

My Grandfather's Yiddish Sayings | About | Ketubahs | morgan's web page | E-mail me if you know some more!

This is not a Ketubah: modern and contemporary custom ketubot