My Grandfather's Yiddish Sayings
Here are some great Yiddish saying that both of my grandfathers used to
tell me, and others ones I've collected, too!
Do you know any others? E-mail me at ( and let me know!!!
What did your grandparents used to tell you???
The whole word is one town (Die ganzer veld is ein stat) Your pot broken seems better than my whole one. Surrounding yourself with dwarfs does not make you a giant A saintly man who knows he is a saintly man is not a saintly man (A tsadik vos veyst az er iz a tsadik is keyn tsadik nit.) Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water. He who puts up with insult invites injury. Too humble is half proud. Death is the only certainty Tsuris (trouble) is what you get from children. Naches (joy) is what you get from grandchildren A strange fool is laughable, but your own fool is shameful. (A fremder nar iz a gelekhter, an eygener a shande.) The truth can walk around naked--the lie has to be clothed. (Der emes ken arumgeyn a naketer--dem lign darf men bakleydn.) Troubles are easier to take with soup than without. One of our favorites! He who praises himself will be humiliated. The wicker person fares well in this world, the saint in the life to come. (Dem roshe geyt gut ofy der velt, dem tsadik oyf yener velt.) A rich man who is stingy is the worst pauper. If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another. Sleep faster, we need the pillows. Truth is the safest lie. (Der emes iz der bester lign) A snake deserves no pity. If one man calls you a donkey, ignore him. If two men call you a donkey, think about it. If three men call you a donkey, buy a saddle My Favorites | New additions Alphabetical order | Original Yiddish · My Favorites · New additions · Alphabetical order · Original Yiddish |